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Local Planning Document

Date Posted: 12:32 PM on Thu, 26 July 2018

Councillors approve plan that will shape future development of the borough until 2028.

Councillors have voted to adopt the council’s Local Planning Document that sets out the future development of the borough, drawn up by the council in consultation with the community.

At Full Council, Councillors voted unanimously in favour to adopt the Local Planning Document and make it the council’s policy document for future development.

The Local Planning Document is a 200-page planning policy document and together with the Aligned Core Strategy will guide development in Gedling Borough up to 2028. The document sets out several planning policies including, site selection, urban regeneration, types of housing to be built, economic development opportunities and infrastructure requirements.

It includes details of proposed sites to accommodate 7,250 homes around the borough to be built by 2028, although over half of these have already been built or granted planning permission. It details plans for sites allocated for new homes that maximises the development on brownfield sites and minimises the release of green belt, with over 75% of the housing provision within or next to urban areas. It also sets out a strategy for improved sustainable development that recognises the need for regeneration in areas where brownfield sites are available such as on the former Gedling Colliery/Chase Farm where 1,050 houses have been allocated. 

The Local Planning Document contains 71 policies covering a wide range of issues such as climate change, flood risk and water management, environmental protection, retail and community facilities, protecting garden land and transport. There are policies that set out how land will be used to secure a mix of housing to reflect the housing needs and demographic of areas across the borough, including smaller housing and specialist housing for the elderly in certain towns and villages.

The Local Planning Document also protects land from development. It will ensure there is a five year supply of land which will help reduce proposals for development in inappropriate locations. The site selection process for allocating land for development has taken into account the impact on heritage and landscape and protects those areas from development.

The document was supported by the Local Plan Inspector, subject to main modifications, who concluded that it provided an appropriate basis for the planning of the borough. The Inspector also commented that the consultation process, during which the council received over 2,000 comments, had exceeded the standards normally required.

Councillor Jenny Hollingsworth, Portfolio Holder for Growth & Regeneration said:

 “The Local Planning Document addresses the key planning issues in Gedling Borough and sets out a clear and locally distinctive vision for the future development of the borough. With the Local Plan in place we will be able to provide certainty for investors, co-ordinate the delivery of infrastructure and seek funding to support infrastructure and growth. It will allow us to provide much needed new homes, encourage economic growth and support regeneration.”

You can view the Local Planning Document 

For more information visit www.gedling.gov.uk/lpd