Data protection

The Act exists to protect all personal information held by us. It also gives individuals the right to know what information is being held about them. If you need to access this information please submit a Subject Access Request. There may be a charged for providing some information, you can find out more in our Charging Policy.

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Personal Information Held

A full list of the types of information held by the Council, known as the 'Register of Notifications' is held by the Information Commissioner.

You can search this list by visiting the Data Protection Public Register.  You will need to enter the notification number Z7097798 or you can enter Gedling Borough Council.

We use information about individuals to carry out specific functions for which we are responsible and in turn provide you with services you require.

We are under a duty to protect the public funds that we administer and, to this end, may also use the information that you have provided for:

  • The prevention & detection of fraud.

  • To support national fraud initiatives; this may include your information being used in data matching exercises.

Sharing Information

We may share your information with other bodies administering or in receipt of public funds for this purpose. There may be times when we will be required to disclose information by law or for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime or in connection with legal proceedings.

Do we need your consent to share information about you?

Not necessarily. Information sharing can take place without your consent, but will be done in a way which is reasonable and expected. However, in some cases, information may be shared without you knowing about it, e.g. where telling you about the sharing would be likely to prejudice a criminal investigation.

What does the Act require us to do?

The Act works in three ways:

  • It states that anyone who processes personal information must comply with eight principles;

  • It requires anyone who processes personal information to notify the Information Commissioner; and

  • It provides individuals with important rights, including the right to find out what personal information is held about them.

What do the Eight Principles require us to do?

We are required to make sure that personal information held is:

  • Fairly and lawfully processed

  • Processed for limited purposes

  • Adequate, relevant and not excessive

  • Accurate and up to date

  • Not kept for longer than is necessary

  • Processed in line with your rights

  • Secure

  • Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection