Energy Bills Rebate
If you are eligible to receive the Energy Bills Rebate but have not yet received it, the deadline for making your claim has now passed.
Your rebate will now automatically be credited to your Council Tax account.
What is the Energy Bills Rebate?
On 3 February 2022, the Government announced an Energy Bills Rebate as part of a package of support for households to manage rising energy costs.
The Energy Bill Rebate is a mandatory £150 payment for households in council tax bands A to D.
As well as the £150 payment for all residents in bands A-D, we have a discretionary funding allocation of £172,800. This will be used to award an extra £23 to those households in bands A-D who are receiving Council Tax Support as well as paying £173 to all those households receiving Council Tax Support in properties with a band higher than band D.
This means Gedling Borough Council is offering a £173 payment to all households in receipt of council tax support, regardless of their council tax band, showing our commitment to helping those in our community who are the most in need.
Who will qualify for the mandatory £150 rebate?
You will qualify for the mandatory Energy Bill Rebate scheme if on 1st April 2022:
- You occupy a dwelling in the borough as your main home. Second homes and unoccupied dwellings are excluded.
- Your property falls in council tax bands A-D or a band E with a disabled relief applied.
- You occupy a chargeable dwelling. Properties that are exempt from Council Tax but will still qualify for the rebate include:
- Students
- Severally Mentally Impaired
- Occupied Annexe
- Occupied by persons under the age of 18
- The dwelling you occupy has a council tax band on 1st April 2022
Who will qualify for the discretionary rebate?
You will qualify for the discretionary Energy Bill Rebate scheme if on 1st April 2022:
- Your property falls in council tax bands E - H.
- You occupy a dwelling in the borough as your main home. Second homes and unoccupied dwellings are excluded.
- You occupy a chargeable dwelling. Properties that are exempt from Council Tax but will still qualify for the rebate include:
- Students
- Severally Mentally Impaired
- Occupied Annexe
- Occupied by persons under the age of 18
- The dwelling you occupy has a council tax band on 1st April 2022
- You are liable to pay council tax and you are in receipt of any amount of reduction to your council tax, under the Council’s council tax reduction scheme (CTRS).
In addition to the £150 payment described above, the Council will pay a top-up payment of £23 to you if you meet all of the following criteria on 1st April 2022:
- Your property falls in council tax bands A - H.
- You occupy a dwelling in the borough as your main home. Second homes and unoccupied dwellings are excluded.
- You occupy a chargeable dwelling. Properties that are exempt from Council Tax but will still qualify for the rebate include:
- Students
- Severally Mentally Impaired
- Occupied Annexe
- Occupied by persons under the age of 18
- The dwelling you occupy has a council tax band on 1st April 2022
- You are liable to pay council tax and you are in receipt of any amount of reduction to your council tax, under the Council’s council tax reduction scheme (CTRS).
When will I receive the rebate?
The council has paid the energy bills rebate to almost all eligible claimants either via bacs or via a Post Office payment voucher. If you have not yet received your rebate but have been informed you are eligible you can now either make a claim to your credit your Council Tax account or make a claim to credit your bank account. Once you have made your application, please bear with us while we validate your details. We aim to make payment within 10 working days of any application.
No payments will be made under the mandatory scheme after 30th September 2022 and the discretionary scheme after 30th November 2022.
The discretionary fund allocation Gedling Borough Council is £172,800. No further discretionary funding will be available once this allocation has been spent.
Do I have to pay this back?
No, the Energy Bill Rebate does not have to be repaid.
Still have a query?
For further information, please see the government’s factsheet which provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about this rebate.