Priority services register
Priority services register
The Priority Services Register (WPD, STW, Cadent)
The Priority Services Register is a free service provided by WPD, STW and Cadent and is eligible for anyone who is vulnerable such as residents of pensionable age, disabled, has children under 5 years old or relies on medical equipment.
WPD For example, As part of the service, customers are kept informed as much as possible of power cuts affecting their home and are given special help, if needed, through the British Red Cross.
The Priority Services Register offers peace of mind for vulnerable customers and their families and we do our very best to ensure that their needs are met at all times.
To find out more information or to register see details below:
- National Grid: please call us on 0800 096 3080 or visit National Grid - Priority services
- Severn Trent Water:
- Cadent (gas): please call us on 0800 0745 788