Equality and Diversity Policy

Gedling Borough Council has approved a new Equality and Diversity Policy following consultation with residents and local community groups.

The new policy, approved by the council’s Cabinet on 7 October, sets out clearly the commitment that the council has to promote equality and diversity both within the organisation and through service delivery and how it aims to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and challenge inequalities. 

A consultation was launched in June and the responses from residents and community groups were used to help shape the policy and the action plan.  

The policy highlights how the council has already embedded into its corporate plan objectives to reduce poverty and inequality, provide support to the most vulnerable, to improve social mobility and life chances, improve health and well-being, reduce health inequalities and reduce levels of loneliness and isolation.

The policy also sets out how equalities and diversity will be further embedded across the council and that the council will be more accessible, engaging and listen to the needs of its community. This includes senior leaders, members and officers, acting as ambassadors for equalities and diversity.