Customer promise
Our motto is “Serving People, Improving Lives” and we are proud to serve the Gedling community. In order for us to do this successfully, we make this promise to you, and ask that in return, you treat our staff with the same respect and courtesy they show you and that you give us feedback to enable us to continually improve our services.
We take our commitment seriously and will always be:
Respectful and Kind
We will act professionally, and treat you with courtesy, kindness, respect and compassion. We will listen to you and treat you fairly.
We are aware you have preferred methods of contact which make enquiries easier for you. Where possible our services are online and easy to find and we will always be on hand to help you use these if you struggle. You can also message us via social media. We also provide face to face support at various locations around the Borough and we are available to speak to you over the telephone.
Informative and Responsive
We will explain our processes and decisions clearly, using plain language when we write or speak to you. Where possible, we will keep you informed of any actions or changes we are making. We aim to respond to all queries within 10 working days and will explain any delays.
Honest and Reliable
We will give you accurate information but if mistakes are made we will put them right and be accountable for them. We will respect your privacy and protect your personal information.