Independent Person

Recruitment of Independent Person & Reserve Independent Person

The Localism Act 2011 gave the Council the responsibility for deciding how to deal with standards issues at a local level, including enabling the Council to adopt its own local Councillor Code of Conduct and deciding its arrangements for dealing with complaints about councillor conduct.

The act requires that the Council must appoint an Independent Person to assist in discharging these responsibilities. The Independent Person will be consulted on decisions to investigate complaints and may be consulted on other standards issues, including those by potential complainants and also by councillors who are the subject of an allegation.

The Council needs to appoint an Independent Person and a reserve to be in a position to act as Independent Person in the event that the person appointed is incapacitated or otherwise unable to act. 

To apply, you will need to have a keen interest in standards in public life, an ability to be objective, independent and impartial and have sound decision-making skills.  You will receive a small fixed annual allowance for carrying out your duties.

The application form can be downloaded below or by contacting Emma McGinlay, Democratic Services Manager at or calling 0115 901 3906.

Selection will be through interview conducted by an interview panel consisting of three members of the Standards Committee and the decision to appoint following recommendation by the interview panel will be made by the Council.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Tuesday 11 June 2024 and it is intended to that interviews will be held on 14 June 2024.

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