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Mayor of Gedling

 The Mayor

A photograph of the Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Gedling

The current Mayor of Gedling elected at the council's AGM on 22 May 2024 is Labour Councillor for the Woodthorpe Ward, Ron McCrossen.

Councillor McCrossen has been a Councillor for over 5 years and this is his first term as Mayor of the Borough. As well as representing the council as the First Citizen of the borough, he also chairs Full Council meetings and has the casting vote at meetings, when required.

During his Civic Year, Ron will be supported by his Chaplain, Father Philip Ziomek from the church of Good Shepherd.

The Mayor's chosen charity is Parkinson's Nottingham and UK.


Deputy Mayor


Councillor Kyle Robinson-Payne will assist Councillor Ron McCrossen as Deputy Mayor during the 2024/25 civic year.  Councillor Robinson-Payne was elected as Deputy Mayor at the Council's AGM on 22 May 2024.


To Invite the Mayor

If you would like to invite the Mayor to an event, special anniversaries, birthday or school, please contact the Civic Office on 0115 901 3844 or email for their availability.

We aim to respond to requests within 7 working days wherever possible.

Civic Engagement Form

Guidance Notes