Environmental Policy Statement
Gedling Borough Council declared a climate change emergency alongside a pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.
We are committed to minimising the Council’s adverse environmental impacts while enhancing the quality of life for the people of Gedling Borough Council.
Our Commitment:
Positive Environmental Culture
All employees and members of the council are committed to act and behave in a way that protects and enhances the environment for present and future generations.
Built Environment & Transport
We will follow best practice regarding the sustainable design of new builds, renovations, conversions and use of buildings. Our designs and construction work will seek to limit environmental impact wherever possible by using sustainable designs and materials. We will work to decarbonise our own buildings and fleet and work with partners to improve our transport infrastructure.
Energy, Natural Resources & Climate Change
We will monitor and implement energy, water and fuel saving techniques and technologies for our own business practices in order to support and improve upon the aims of the government targets and locally set objectives. We will source our energy from renewable sources where possible and seek out ways to reduce our use of energy and natural resources, including water.
Environmental Awareness
We will support community groups, schools, businesses and partner organisations to help improve the quality of the local environment by ensuring staff, volunteers and students are trained and developed to understand this policy and ensure the commitments are met.
Waste Reduction & Recycling
We will work with business and suppliers to reduce waste. In our own operations we will progressively reduce- reuse-repair-recycle our waste and prevent landfill in the future.
Blue-Green Infrastructure/Biodiversity
By managing our assets, we will conserve existing wildlife and enhance existing wildlife. We will work to enrich open spaces and watercourses to serve the local community so that they are accessible to all.
Procurement & Purchasing
We will consider the environmental impact of procured goods made for and on behalf of the Council. Our procurement processes will be assessed to assist with reducing significant environmental impacts whilst also maintaining a balance between the social and economical needs of the wider community.