Nature conservation and geological sites

Nature Conservation and Geological Sites

Sites can be designated for their biological and geological importance at an international, national or local level. Designated biological and geological sites in Gedling Borough are summarised below and are shown on the adopted Local Planning Document Interactive Policies Map.

International Sites

There is currently no designated site of international importance in Gedling Borough.

An area to the north of the Borough has been identified as the 'Sherwood prospective Special Protection Area (pSPA). This area has not been formally designated and is awaiting a decision by Government.

National Sites

There is one Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in Gedling Borough at Linby Quarries.

Local Sites

There are five Local Nature Reserves in Gedling Borough:-

  • Gedling Country Park;
  • Gedling House Wood;
  • Gedling House Meadow;
  • Netherfield Lagoons; and
  • The Hobbucks.

Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) and Local Geological Sites (LGS) are identified by the Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Records Centre who review sites periodically to reflect updated evidence and can provide further information. 

Ancient Woodland

This is an area of woodland that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600AD. These natural assets are irreplaceable and provide vital habitats for notable species. The Forestry Commission provides a guide for assessing potential impacts on ancient woodland and veteran trees.

Protected and Priority Habitats and Species

The Nottinghamshire Local Biodiversity Action Plan identifies wildlife habitat and species which are of national and local importance for protection. The Council consults with Natural England and other appropriate wildlife organisations on any planning applications that may affect protected or notable habitats or species protected under relevant legislation or in the Nottinghamshire Local Biodiversity Action Plan.

Biodiversity Opportunity Mapping

A Biodiversity Opportunity Map has been produced for Gedling Borough by the Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group. This provides a better understanding of the current distribution of biodiversity in Gedling Borough.  This work supports Gedling Borough Council in protecting, enhancing and creating new biodiversity and helps to underpin the wider work of the Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group and the Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP).  This work will contribute to the Local Nature Recovery Strategy being prepared by Nottinghamshire County Council as well as assisting in supporting Biodiversity Net Gain.

Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRSs) are a new England-wide system of spatial strategies established by the Environment Act 2021.  The main purpose of these strategies is to help reverse the ongoing decline of nature in England. These strategies seek to establish priorities and map proposals for specific actions to drive nature’s recovery and provide wider environmental benefits.  The Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Local Nature Recovery Strategy is being led by Nottinghamshire County Council working in partnership with key organisations including Borough and District Councils such as Gedling Borough Council.  More information on the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Local Nature  Recovery Strategy is available on the Nottinghamshire County Council website here:

Local Nature Recovery Strategy - Nottinghamshire County Council