Counter fraud, corruption and whistleblowing

Counter fraud, corruption and whistleblowing

This document sets out our strategy in relation to fraud, bribery and corruption. It has the full support of our elected Members and the Senior Leadership Team and is based on the latest best practice guidance.

We employ over 500 staff and has a gross revenue and capital budget of over £50 million. As with other large organisations, the size and nature of our services puts us at risk of loss due to fraud, bribery and corruption, both from within the council and outside it.

We are committed to reducing fraud, bribery and corruption, and to the promotion of high standards of conduct, to ensure that funds are used as they are intended. Our desire is to be a model of public probity, affording maximum protection to the funds we administer.

We will seek the appropriate disciplinary, regulatory, civil and criminal sanctions against fraudsters and where possible, will attempt to recover losses.

Whistleblowing policy

Fraud Strategy