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£58k Carlton Park now open thanks to community grant funding

Date Posted: 11:39 AM on Mon, 10 May 2021 MUGA at Onchan Park

The funding bid was made jointly between Gedling Borough Council and a local resident’s community group.

New and improved facilities at Onchan Park, Carlton, are now open following £58,000 worth of investment. Refurbishments at the park started in March and include a brand new multi-use games area, suitable for playing football, basketball and cricket as well as two new table tennis tables.

New floor surfacing in the multi-use games area has replaced the existing tarmac on the old tennis court which had been in decline for a number of years and an additional entrance with an improved footpath has also been created from Onchan Avenue allowing access for disabled park users and pushchairs.

Improvements have been made thanks to funding from FCC Communities foundation, a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, conservation and heritage projects from funds donated by waste and resource management company FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund. FCC Communities Foundation provided a grant total of £58,265 for the park refurbishments.

The funding bid was made jointly by Gedling Borough Council and The Friends of Onchan Park, a local residents’ community group which formed in 2016 to help look after the park as well as allowing the local community to have their say in how the site is managed.


Cheryl Raynor, FCC Communities Foundation Local Grant manager said;

“It’s great to see this refurbishment completed, the community were involved in the consultation every step of the way and I hope it meets their expectations. FCC Communities Foundation is always happy to consider grant applications for projects that make a difference to local communities and this is a great example of what can be achieved.”

Councillor Peter Barnes, Portfolio Holder for Environment said;

I am delighted that the Mayor and I were able to officially open this new multi-use games area at Onchan Park. These new facilities will help get more people active and visiting our parks and play areas, which is a priority for the council.

I’d like to thank the Friends of Onchan Park group for working with us to secure these facilities for the local community, and of course to FCC communities for providing the funding the this fantastic new games area, it’s something I’m sure will be incredibly popular, and provide a great new space for all kinds of sports and activities.