Have your say on equality policy
Date Posted: 4:27 PM on Tue, 13 February 2024Gedling Borough Council is launching a consultation on its latest Equality and Diversity Policy and is inviting residents to have their say.
The policy sets out clearly the commitment that the council has to promote equality and diversity both within the organisation and through service delivery and how it aims to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and challenge inequalities.
A survey has been launched today and residents can have their say by visiting
A report was presented to the council’s cabinet members earlier this month to announce the plans. The report highlighted how the council has already embedded into its corporate plan objectives to reduce poverty and inequality, provide support to the most vulnerable, to improve social mobility and life chances, improve health and well-being, reduce health inequalities and reduce levels of loneliness and isolation. Since the launch of the original policy in 2021, the council has carried out over 70 actions as part of its plan.
The revised draft policy also sets out how equalities and diversity will continue to be embedded across the council. This includes senior leaders, members and officers, acting as ambassadors for equalities and diversity.
As part of the consultation, residents can read and review the draft version of the policy alongside a summary document.
The council has been carrying out a number of actions as part of its work to improving equalities, which includes carrying out a Disability Confident Employer assessment, the adoption of the Menopause in the Workplace Policy and the creation of specific roles within the cabinet that focus on equalities.
The consultation is now live at
Portfolio Holder for Life Chances and Vulnerability, Councillor Kathyrn Fox said:
“We launched our Equality and Diversity Policy in 2021 and the aim was to create something that would make a difference to the lives of our diverse borough. Since the launch of the policy, we have delivered over 70 actions as part of the plan, ranging from training all staff on equality and diversity to creating digital channels such as webchat that allows residents to contact and communicate with us in different languages.
We want our borough to be a fair, inclusive and safe place for all our communities and to challenge the inequalities that may divide our society. This is a chance for residents to review what we have done and have their say on what we are going to do next.”