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Work starts this week to transform Colwick play area

Date Posted: 9:34 AM on Mon, 16 January 2023 Leadrer of Gedling Borough Council, Cllr John Clarke MBE, with Alison Nunn Chair of Colwick Parish Council, stood outside Colwick Rectory Play Area holding a large laminate of plans for refurbishment works

£100k improvement works are due to start at Colwick Rectory Play Area this week.

The works, due to start on Monday 16 January 2023, are thanks to funding from FCC Communities Foundation, a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, conservation and heritage projects from funds donated by waste and resource management company FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund. FCC Communities Foundation will be providing a grant total of £99,466

The improvements will see new facilities added to the play area including a wheelchair accessible roundabout, zip wire, trampoline, a multi play unit with 17 different features, new swings and more, and are expected to be completed by the end of February 2023.

The existing play area and surrounding area will be out of use and fenced off whilst works are carried out.

The design and features of the new play area were chosen thanks to help from children from Netherfield Primary School and St John the Baptist Primary School in Colwick, who took part in a consultation with the council to have their say and give suggestions for what they wanted to see at the site.

The funding bid to FCC was made jointly by Gedling Borough Council and Colwick Parish Council.

Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor John Clarke MBE said;

"This new play area is going to be a brilliant addition to our borough, featuring facilities for children of all ages and abilities to enjoy.

We are committed to investing in our parks and open spaces, making them enjoyable for everyone, and I’m sure this new play area is going to be no exception to that.

I’d like to thank FCC for funding this project and also to the members of Colwick Parish Council for their partnership to help bring this project to life.

It won’t be long until the new play area is ready to open, and I look forward to seeing our community come together and enjoy these great new facilities.”

For more information about FCC Communities Foundation funding visit