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Reporting a health and safety issue

If you see something in a workplace regulated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) that you think is breaking health and safety law and is likely to cause serious harm, you can report it by visiting the HSE website. 

Before you get in touch

It may be possible to put some health and safety problems right.

You could speak to:

  • the person in charge of the work
  • your employer
  • your union or employee representative

You may also find it useful to check what your employer should be doing to keep their workplace safe and healthy. It may be helpful to search for the specific topic on the HSE website or to search for the specific industry on the HSE website. 

Which organisation should I contact regarding Health and Safety

You should check who the right organisation to contact is as there are a number of organisations that deal with health and safety. Find out who to contact by visiting the HSE website. 

Report a problem to us

If your enquiry relates to a business regulated for health and safety by Gedling Borough Council you can contact us by email at or 0115 901 3972  Our lines are open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 4.45pm