Other Building Control functions

Street Naming and Numbering

Gedling Borough Council are the street naming and numbering authority for the Gedling Borough. It is the Council’s responsibility to issue official addresses for all residential and business premises within the borough.

The address of a property is very important as it is imperative that the Police, other emergency services, postal service and the general public are able to locate properties quickly and efficiently.

If a property is not 'registered' through the street naming and numbering process the address will not appear on the main address database or the Royal Mail Postal Address File (PAF) and the owner/occupier may encounter difficulties in obtaining mail, deliveries and services from a variety of sources, for example the location of a property by the emergency services, applying for a credit card, obtaining goods by mail order or even selling a property.

From 1st April 2020 Gedling Borough Council introduced a charge for the recovery of costs incurred whilst carrying out the discretionary elements of the street naming and numbering service. Details can be found by viewing the street naming and numbering charges document.

To register a new address or make an amendment to an existing address you can submit an application online or download the pdf street naming and numbering application form .

Any application for Street Naming and Numbering should be done in accordance with Gedling Borough Council’s Street Name and Numbering Policy.


Demolition Application

When intending to demolish a building over 50 cubic meters, notice must be given to Building Control a minimum of six weeks prior to the intended start date.

In order for the Council to process this application you should also provide a 1:1250 location plan clearly indicating the building(s) to be demolished and all adjacent properties, together with a copy of the demolition contractor's method statement and risk assessment.

Within six weeks of receiving this completed application, we will issue a Demolition Notice setting out a number of conditions that have to be complied with during the demolition works necessary to maintain public safety and public amenity.

Building Control may also consult Environmental Health / Highways / Planning Departments and the Nottingham Fire Service prior to the issuing of a demolition notice.

The charge for the recovery of costs incurred whilst carrying out discretionary elements of the demolition application service will be £377 (No VAT).

You can submit an application online or by downloading and completing the pdf demolition application form.