Emerging local plan

Gedling Borough Council has been working with Nottingham City Council, Broxtowe Borough Council and Rushcliffe Borough Council to plan ahead to guide strategic development and growth up to 2038.  The new Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan will set out the key issues faced by each Borough and guide the amount and location of new development.  Once adopted, the Strategic Plan will replace the Aligned Core Strategy.  It will give certainty to developers and help the Councils to determine planning applications. 

We consulted on our ‘Preferred Approach’ between 3rd January and 14th February 2023.  The Preferred Approach document does not include the full range of topics that will form the Strategic Plan but focusses on the vision and strategy for meeting longer term development needs, including the approach to housing provision and employment need as well as the strategic sites required to meet requirements.

Following this consultation and a call for logistics sites in 2022, we consulted on the Strategic Distribution and Logistics: Preferred Approach between the 26th September 2023 and the 7th November 2023.  The consultation included the proposed allocation of two sites, neither of which are within Gedling Borough.  

All comments received during this consultation will be considered alongside comments submitted during the previous Preferred Approach consultation by the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership authorities prior to the final consultation on the publication draft plan in 2024. The publication draft will then be submitted for examination, with all comments received, to the Government later in 2024.

More information on the Preferred Approach document and the evidence base that supports it can be found on the Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership website https://www.gnplan.org.uk/