Updated Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments Consultation
Date Posted: 9:28 AM on Fri, 12 November 2021The council is consulting on an updated Parking Provision for Residential and Non-Residential Developments: Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) between 25 October and 6 December 2021.
The council is seeking views from residents and businesses on the amount of car parking needed in new housing and commercial developments. A consultation has now been launched on an updated planning policy which sets out these levels and responses will be used to shape the policy.
Following the consultation, and once finalised, the Parking SPD will be a material consideration for determining planning applications and enable the council to require appropriate levels of parking for future development.
The consultation runs for six weeks until 5pm on Monday 6 December 2021.
To find out more and to take part in the consultation, go to our have your say page.