Monitoring Reports

Authority monitoring report

The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) is updated annually to provide background information on the social, environmental and economic characteristics of the Borough; to assess progress on the preparation of policy documents against the Council's Local Development Scheme 2016-2019; and to monitor the extent to which policies within the Development Plan are being successfully implemented. The 2022/23 AMR covers the monitoring period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023:

Authority Monitoring Report 2022/23

Five year housing land supply

Like all local planning authorities in England, we are required to establish whether we have a five year supply of housing land in Gedling Borough. This is updated at least annually. The 2022/23 report is available below.

Five year housing supply assessment 2022/23

Housing delivery action plan

The Council has prepared an action plan which analyses the delivery of the Council's housing requirement and identifies measures the Council intends to undertake to support the delivery of new housing. The 2022 report is available below.

Housing delivery action plan 2022