Bin charges for new builds
From 1st April 2024 we will charge a fee of £69 to provide bins to newly built properties. This charge will also be made to properties that have changed from being a commercial premise to a domestic one. Bins will be delivered once the invoice has been paid.
If you have purchased a newly built property without a bin, we advise you contact the developer first as they normally purchase the bin but, in some cases, they may not do so and the home owner will be required to purchase the bin.
You can find out what type of bin you can get on our bin sizes page
The bins remain the property of Gedling Borough Council and must remain at the property that they are issued to.
For more information about new bins, contact our customer services team on 0115 901 3621.
There are two different forms available to complete, one for Home Owners and one for Developers.