Council tax
How much is council tax and how is it spent?
Find out your banding, which determines how much you need to pay and to see how your council tax is spent
Switch to e-billing
Sign up for online Council Tax billing.
View your account
View your council tax account online, sign up for e-billing, check your payments and instalments
Pay council tax
Pay online, set up a direct debit, extend instalments and more.
Helping you pay Council Tax
If you have difficulty with making payment, we can offer you options that could help, including applying for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.
Moving house
Let us know if you're moving in, out or within the borough.
Apply or alter a discount
Find out if you're eligible for a discount or tell us if one should change
Empty properties and second homes
Find out how much council tax is for empty properties.
Financial information
Where your money goes and what it is spent on including parish precepts
Council Tax Explanatory Notes
View our explanatory notes leaflet for a simple guide to Council Tax and your bill.
Council tax refund
If you're entitled to a council tax refund you need to fill out this form