Garden waste


Applications for this year's garden waste scheme are now closed. 

Garden waste bin collections will continue until the end of March (there are no collections in January and February). 

The applications for the 25/26 garden waste scheme will re-open in due course. 

View the garden waste scheme terms and conditions.

For enquiries about the scheme, please contact Customer Services on 0115 901 3621.

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Below are some of the frequently asked questions about garden waste collections

How much does it cost?

1 bin: £40 for the year (April - March) (2023-24 prices)

Additional bins: £20 per bin for the year 


When is my collection?

Collections are fortnightly from April to March, with no collections in January and February.

To find out when your bin collection is, go to our online schedule page and enter your street address (not potcode). You can also sign up to receive an email reminder when your bin is due to be collected. To sign up for email reminders, go to 

What can I put in the garden bin?

Yes please:

  • Grass cuttings
  • Hedge clippings
  • Twigs and small branches
  • Leaves
  • Weeds with soil shaken off
  • Flowers

No thanks:

  • Bagged garden waste
  • Plant pots
  • Plastic of any description
  • Large amounts of soil or grass sods
  • Animal waste
  • Food waste
  • Household waste

Add or remove a bin

To order an additional garden waste bin or remove an additional bin, please contact Customer Services by calling 0115 9013621. Please be aware that we do not offer a refund for the service. If you would like to wait until your renewal date you can change the amount of bins on your subscription to arrange their removal.

Moving house

If you're moving house within the borough and you'd like to keep your garden waste service, please let us know. 0115 9013621.

Cancel my garden waste collection

If you'd like to cancel your garden waste bin email 

You can cancel your subscription at any time, however there will be no refund or reimbursement. The bins provided remain the property of the council.  Once you have cancelled your subscription please make your bin easily available for collection from your property.

Cancel my garden waste collection

If you'd like to cancel your garden waste bin, please email or call 0115 9013621.

You can cancel your subscription at any time, however there will be no refund or reimbursement. The bins provided remain the property of Gedling Borough Council and if you cancel the subscription you would have to allow this to be collected from your property. Charges may occur if the bin is not made available for return.

Why don’t you collect garden waste all year round?

The amount of garden waste drop substantially during the winter months. It would therefore not be efficient nor cost effective for our customers to run the service over the winter months.

Can I put vegetable peelings in the brown bin?

Please do not put kitchen organic waste in the brown bins as they are not accepted at our recycling facility. If you wish to dispose of your kitchen organic waste you could home compost or put in your general waste bin.

Why do I have to pay for the garden waste service?

To allow us to provide such a service in the current climate a charge must be made. It is fairer to make a charge to the people that use the service, rather than add it onto the Council Tax. The Controlled Waste Regulations 2012 allow for a charge to be made.

Are there any concessions?

Because this is an additional service there are no concessionary rates.

What if my bin has not been emptied?

All bins must be out for emptying by 6am on the day of your collection. If it has not been emptied by 3pm on the scheduled collection day, please let us know. To do this, please go to our missed bin page and complete the form. Please leave the bin out and we will return to empty the bin within 7 working days.

Can extra waste be placed at the side of the bin?

We will only collect garden waste which is in the garden bin. If you have a large amount of garden waste, additional bins can be purchased at a reduced fee.  Extra garden waste can also be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre on Hollinwood Lane in Calverton.

What happens in bad weather?

Our crews work hard to ensure any bins presented on time are emptied. On occasions if the weather is particularly bad a collection may be missed. Every effort will be made to catch up in these circumstances, however it may be necessary for a collection to be suspended. Unfortunately no refunds will be made in these circumstances.

What happens to the waste collected in the garden waste bin?

The waste collected in the garden waste bins is sent to a composting facility in Oxton where it is shredded and composted. Once the process is complete the material is ready to be used on farm land as a soil improver and fertilizer. Unfortunately this is not currently available for sale to the public.