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How is council tax spent?

Where each £100 goes

Service Cost
Nottinghamshire County Council £75.36
Gedling Borough Council £9.11
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner £11.65
Combined Fire Authority


Total £100

About Your Council Tax

As we collect council tax on behalf of various local authorities it is vital that you know how your money is spent. Your council tax goes towards

About half of the Council Tax payers in Gedling live in Band A or Band B properties, Based on a Band B property charge of £1,680.77 the following table shows how much of your Council Tax goes to each authority.

Who Spends Your Money?

Last Year 2020/21

This Year 2021/22

The % Increase

Nottinghamshire County Council




Gedling Borough Council




Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner




Combine Fire Authority






