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Community infrastructure levy

The Gedling CIL Charge

The Gedling Borough Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule, including the associated installment policy, came into effect on 16th October 2015.

For information about the CIL rates in your area, the Regulation 123 List and the installments Policy please refer to the Charging Schedule below.

Current Consultations

There are currently no consultations taking place.

If you have questions or wish to be kept informed and consulted annually please send an e-mail to the CIL Officer at with your name, address and e-mail or contact 0115 901 3731

CIL Indexation


CIL payments must be index linked from the year that the CIL was introduced to the year that planning permission is granted. From the 1st January 2024 the annual RICS Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Index Rate of 381 will be applied to all new liabilities. The base and indexed CIL rates for 2024 are as follows:”

CIL Charging Zone

Base Rate per m2

Rate from 1st January 2024 per m2 (plus Indexation)



Residential Zone 1





Residential Zone 2





Residential Zone 3





Retail Charge







On the 1st September 2019, the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019 came into effect. As a result of these new regulations Local Authorities are now required to report on Section 106 Contributions and Community Infrastructure Levy Receipts. An annual Infrastructure Funding Statement shall be published no later than the 31st December, providing a breakdown of CIL receipts and S106 Contributions collected, retained and expenditure during the previous financial year, as well as a list of future infrastructure projects which may be funded through Planning Obligations.

View the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-23




View the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021/22

View the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020/2021

View the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019/20

CIL Monitoring & Reporting

The Council is required to publish an annual monitoring report setting out how much CIL has been collected and how it has been used to fund infrastructure.

Local CIL Guidance

The Council has published their own guidance notes to offer further support to applicants and agent.



Further Information

More information on Neighbourhood funding for parish and non parish areas.

For more information about the Gedling Borough Council CIL you can e-mail the CIL Officer at or call on 0115 901 3731