Health and wellbeing support

Lots of support is available, both locally and nationally, to help with wellbeing concerns and health issues. This page serves as a directory of places that you can turn to for help wiht your health.

In case of a medical emergency, call 999. For other medical concerns, call 111 or visit the NHS 111 website.

For support with mental health, please visit the Mental health support page.

For support with the cost of living, including help with childcare costs, support to gain employment, help with energy costs and more, visit the Cost of living support page.

Visit the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board's website to find out more about what they provide as well as lots of health information, including information on diabetes, children's health, mental health and dental care across the country

For anything relating to Nottinghamshire County Council services and support, visit their website or call 0300 500 8080.

General health and wellbeing support

VenueAddressDays/timesSupport availableContacts
Age Concern Carlton Mayfield Social & Activities Centre, behind Age Concern charity shop: 352-356 Carlton Hill, Carlton, Nottm, NG4 1JB Tuesday to Friday, 10am-2.30pm

For the over 60s. Membership required for full day. Pre-booking required for lunch club and full day lunch and activities.

Lunch club: 3 courses, £10.

Full day with 3 course lunch, socials, activities (games, quizzes, reminiscence) without transport £15.

For socials and activities (including lunch) with transport: £25.

Tel 07754 266444

Age UK Nottinghamshire   Office hours Free support including social prescribing, advice and group activities e.g., Men/Women in Sheds, digital inclusion support, visiting and befriending service, help with benefits, scams awareness, free energy checks, accessing financial help for essential house repairs and much more

Tel 0115 844 0011

Email Or fill in a contact form via the website.

Alcoholics Anonymous The Sacred Heart Church 91 Carlton Hill, Carlton Nottingham, NG4 1FP Saturdays, 3pm - 5pm Meetings are open to alcoholics, their families and anyone interested in solving a personal drinking problem or helping someone else. All AA newcomers are welcome just drop in. To become a member, go to the AA website.

National helpline: 0800 9177 650

Allsorts Various locations around Nottinghamshire Meetings  every 2nd Thursday in the month, 7.30-9.30pm 

Social group for  disabled people aged 18-40. Members are welcome with a physical, sensory or mild learning disability. Activities include eating out, theatre trips, cinema, ten pin bowling, boat trips. Transport may be provided. Volunteers are  welcome to support the group.

Annual membership: £10.

Tel 0115 914 6696


Alzheimer’s Society - Singing for the Brain group Church of the Good Shepard, Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT Tuesdays 11am - 12.30pm Free social meeting in a friendly, fun and social environment. Singing can improve your brain activity, wellbeing and mood. You don’t need to be a good singer to benefit. Join us for fun vocal warm-ups and sing a wide variety of familiar and new songs in a supported environment. The group is hosted by skilled, compassionate and experienced group leaders.

Tel: 0115 9343811



The Bipolar Lift   Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm A county wide service providing a free telephone support service to those living with Bipolar disorder, their family and friends. Free face-to-face meetings, advice and services on a wide range of issues

Tel: 07534 138512

Burton Joyce Macular Society  St Helen's Church Centre, Church Road, Burton Joyce, Nottingham, NG14 5DJ  Third Thursday of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep and Nov, 10.30am -12 noon.  Free support and information to anyone living with or supporting someone with central vision loss. They have a range of speakers who advise on services available, low vision aids, and treatment. 

Tel: 07722 234809 

Web: Beating Macular Disease - Macular Society

Carers Coffee and Cake Morning

Braywood Gardens Care Home,

8 Millbrook Drive, Carlton, Nottingham  NG4 3SR

Tuesdays 11am - 12 noon 

A chance to meet other carers for conversation in a supportive friendly atmosphere.

Sessions are free.

Tel: 0115 6662066


Cornwater Evergreens  Ravens Lodge, Main Road, Ravenshead, Nottingham, NG15 9GS 

Friendship Club: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10am - 2.30pm

Memory Club: Tuesday and Thursday, 10am - 2.30pm

Transport is available for members living in Ravenshead, Blidworth and Rainworth. (Small charge  for the bus, book through the club). 

Cornwater Evergreens Charity

Tel: 01623 491159 

Cyber Crime and Fraud    

Free online advice and information on fraud and digital scamming on mobile phones and computers at the National Crime agency website. If you think you might have been a victim of cybercrime, report it to  Action Fraud via their website or call them.

National Cyber Security Centre NCSC.GOV.UK

Action Fraud | Metropolitan Police

Action Fraud Tel: 0300 123 2040

Dance for Parkinsons Nottingham (Parkinsons UK) St Jude's Church,  405 Woodborough Road
Mapperley, Nottingham, NG3 5HE

Thursdays, 11am - 12 noon


Standing and seated exercises for anyone with Parkinson's and their partners, friends and carers. For all ages and abilities. Focusing on controlling breathlessness and reducing anxiety. Helping to increase confidence, strength, flexibility and balance.

Foundation for Community Dance

Tel: 07824906317


Double Impact  

Telephone and Webchat: Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 5pm. Out of hours leave message.

Advice and support packages for people aged 18 and over in Nottinghamshire, with alcohol and drug issues.

Tel: 01623 272838

Forces in the Community  

office hours

Support for ex-service personnel and their families to reach their full potential;  delivering tailored employment guidance, housing advice, mental health support and a supportive environment. Support for clients and their families, who are  disadvantaged and at a point of crisis.

Forces in the Community

Tel: 0115 922 0320.


Friends For Life Aye Up Mi Duck Dementia Group Westdale Lane Community Centre, 368 Westdale Lane, Mapperley, Nottingham, NG3 6ES

Every 3rd Thursday of the month, 10.25am - 12.30pm

Friendship, help and support for people with dementia and their carers to gain practical information, emotional support sociable time together. Free refreshments available.

Tel: 07807 446602


Gedling Carers Support Group Gedling Methodist Church, Gedling Road, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 3EX 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10.30am-12.30pm Practical and emotional help, advice and support for those caring for others. Monthly guest speakers who talk on a variety of topics.

To book, call 0808 802 1777


Gedling Leisure (specialist health classes)  Gedling Leisure Centres  Various days and times  Classes and activities to help with health conditions including heart conditions, stroke, osteoarthritis and more. Most are included in memberships, or you can pay as you go. See times and costs on the website. Active for Life - Gedling Leisure 
Gedling Memory Café  Good Shepherd Church, Thackerays Lane
Woodthorpe, Nottingham 
4th Friday of each month, 10.30am - 12.30pm  A friendly and welcoming place for anyone with dementia and their carers to gain practical information, emotional support or just a fun, sociable time together. The cafe is free, and there is free parking. 

Tel 07881 816465


Handy Persons Adaption Service (Nottinghamshire County Council)     Free or low cost adaptations to homes to help keep you safe and independent in your home with adaptations and small practical jobs including installing free grab rails. Available to people living in Nottinghamshire, aged 60 or over and/or disabled.   

Handy person adaptation service

Tel0300 500 8080. If you are deaf or hard of hearing use the Text relay service: 18001 (0115) 9774050, or use the online enquiry form.

Independent Age  

Helpline: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm


or use webchat at the websiteThe advice service is a free, impartial and confidential telephone service for older people, their families, friends, carers and health professionals. They provide a wide range of other services to support people in later life.

Tel: 0800 319 6789


Independent Age

Jigsaw Homes Memory Club St George’s Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham, NG4 2NN Last Thursday of the month 2pm - 4pm Share a cuppa and cake and meet other carers and people living with dementia. Cost £1.

Tel: 07900 951867

Move it or Lose it    Arnold United Reformed Church, 2.30- 3.30pm. Fridays: Calverton Village Hall, 10.30-11.30am.

Classes can be done seated or standing and are designed to help you stay active and independent for longer. Free first class. 

Costs vary please enquire. 


To book a place;

Tel: 0115 841 0319 or 07985 205769


My Sight Notts 26-28 Heathcoat Street, Nottingham, NG1 3AA

Walkie Talkie Wednesday Group: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, 10.30am, various locations in  Nottinghamshire including Bestwood and Gedling Country Park

Support and advice for people with sight loss including aids and equipment, IT support, sighted guides, peer support. They offer social and group activities including Walkie Talkie Wednesdays - walks end with a cafe or pub meal. Meeting places vary. Guide dogs are permitted on these walks.

My Sight Notts

Tel: 0115 970 6806


Netherfield Senior Citizens Club Bethesda Community Hall. Forester Street, Netherfield, Nottingham, NG4 2LJ

First Friday of every month, 1.30pm for 2pm start - 3.30pm

Speakers, musical entertainment, bingo. Four day trips a year. Two parties per year, providing a plated lunch.

Open (and close) meetings with a hymn and announcements.

Entry 50p. 

Membership £6 per year. Refreshments available on arrival.

Gwen and Allan Woolley: Tel. 0115 911 3045 Mobile: 07747 196808


Newark and Sherwood CVS Community Living Room Friendship Group Killisick Community Centre, Tavill Field, Community Room Kilnbrook Avenue, Killisick Nottingham, NG5 8DA

Mondays 10am - 12 noon

Everyone is welcome to chat, have a cuppa and meet new people in a safe friendly environment.

Free, refreshments are provided.

Tel: 07469 818564


Newstead Macular Society Group Newstead Centre, Tilford Road, Newstead Village, Nottingham, NG15 0BS

First Wednesday of the month (no meetings in January) 10.30am – 12.30pm

Free meetings, open to anyone affected by sight loss and central vision loss. There are talks on a variety of subjects, including macular conditions and the impact of sight loss on daily lives. Family, friends and carers are also warmly welcomed.

Paul Holden T: 0776 9494087


Web: Beating Macular Disease - Macular Society

Notts LGBT+ Network  

Call Monday - Friday 7 - 9.15pm

information and support to Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Trans people. Information available on the resource hub, including locations to meet people in the community, events, how to meet people, legal issues, coming out, health issues and more.

Resource Hub - Notts LGBT+

Tel: 0115 934 8485.

Text 07481 344040

Email: or chat online via the website

Nottinghamshire Fire Service - Safe and Well Visits  

Fire Service advice line open during working hours.

Free home safe and well checks to residents in Gedling. In addition to fire safety, the visit is tailored to an individual’s needs relating to their health and lifestyle choices.

Tel: 0115 838 8100.

Text service: 07766 299 999 for deaf people during working hours

Our Dementia Choir Contact us via the website for more details about locations.  

People must have diagnosed with dementia by the NHS to attend. Families, carers, partners and friends must apply online to join.

Join the Choir | Our Dementia Choir

Parkinson's Support Group The Bonington Club 79 High Street, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 7DN Tuesdays, 12 - 3pm.

For people with Parkinson's, their families, friends and carers. Make new friends and get involved in activities. Free. Tea, coffee and biscuits.

Tel: 07782 113841


POhWER Rock Church, 13-15 Wellin Lane, Edwalton, NG12 4AS Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm Statutory independent advocacy services including Mental Health, Mental Capacity and Care Act advocacy. This includes help for people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantages, people with both Autism and Learning Disability, and NHS Complaints Advocacy. To make a referral go to the website.

Tel. 0300 456 2370

Nottinghamshire - Your Voice, Your Choice | Home | POhWER

Ravenshead Memory Lane Group


St Peters Community Centre, Sheepwalk Lane
Nottingham, NG15 9FD
1st Wednesday of each month, 1.45- 3.45pm A group for those living with dementia and their family/carer: friendship, support, various activities /guest speakers, a sing song and outings on different Wednesdays.

Tel: 07488 320618



Tea Parties

Rainbow Call Companion Service

Call Companion Service


Tea parties every month on a Sunday.

Phone call every week or 2

Regular phone calls




The tea parties are free monthly social groups open to people aged 75+. Transport is provided.

Rainbow call companions is a free service for older LGBT+ people who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship: a friendly phone call every week or two with a volunteer who is also LGBT+.

Call companions is available to anyone aged 75+, who would benefit from a regular friendly chat over the phone with a friendly volunteer.

To apply for yourself or make a referral for someone else,

call: 0800 716 543


or complete an online form:


Rushcliffe Community & Voluntary Service Telephone Befriending Service     You can talk to a befriender about anything, a shared hobby or interest, memories, what’s in the news or an issue you need help with. Vulnerable and isolated people are directed to us by friends and family, GPs and social services. But if people are not going out and feel they could benefit from a comforting chat, they can ask to use this free service.

Tel. 0115 969 9060


Online form:

Web: Rushcliffe Community and Voluntary Service

SSAFA Nottinghamshire 3 Amelia Court, Swanton Close, Retford,
DN22 7HJ 
Tuesday & Thursday, 9am - 1pm Lifelong support to those who are serving or have served in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines or the Royal Air Force, and to their families. 

Nottinghamshire | SSAFA

Tel: 020 4566 9114


Shelter    Helpline; Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm. Weekends and bank holidays; 9am - 5pm  National advice and support with housing issues and homelessness.

Shelter England 

Emergency Helpline: 0808 800 4444


Strength and Balance classes 


Hope Nottingham’s Carlton Community Hub Wednesday 10.45am -12.15pm

The Loco Centre, Netherfield Thursday 11.30am - 12:30pm and 1.30 - 3pm


Strength and balance classes are for people 55+. The classes aim to increase strength, balance, flexibility and confidence. Standing and seated exercises. 

£6 per class.


For information and to book for Hope Nottingham Carlton Community Hub Wednesday class and the Loco Centre 1.30 - 3pm on Thursdays class call Chantelle Cliff 07442 729484
Email: info@cchealthfitness 

For information and to book for the 11.30am - 12.30pm Thursdays class at the Loco Centre, call Carla De-Padova on 07709 809510

Together@Arnold (Wainmans Trust Group) The Eagles Nest Community Centre, Gedling Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6NZ  Mondays and Thursdays, 10am - 3pm The club's aim is to combat loneliness and promote improved health and well-being, both physical and mental. Members learn new skills and are able to remain independent for longer, enjoying a better quality of life. Free. There is a waiting list.

Tel. 07957 316012

Web: Together@ - Wainman Trust

Wayfinder - Free Homelessness Support Programme    Organisations can make a referral, and individuals can self-refer too via email or online Free support for people at risk of homelessness, as they develop the skills to live independently and help them to integrate into the local community. Trained volunteers are matched with participants and meet with them in their local area on a regular basis. The volunteer will provide a listening ear, alongside basic support with practical tasks.

or fill in an online form.

Wayfinder Facebook page


Domestic abuse 

Call 999 if there is an immediate danger. For support and advice for yourself or somebody you are worried about, contact one of these support organisations:

  • Equation helpline: 0800 995 6999  (Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm): discreet advice for Nottinghamshire men experiencing domestic abuse.
  • Juno Women's Aid helpline: 0808 800 0340 (9am - 9pm): ensure women and children are safe, offer information and support and those who have concerns about someone else.
  • National Centre for Domestic Violence: 0207 186 8270 or 0800 970 2070 (Option 1). Text: ‘NCDV’ to 60777. Specialises in free, fast legal and emergency court injunction services.
  • Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services: Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24/7). Self refer via 0115 941 0440 (Monday - Friday; 10am -1pm & 4.30 - 7.30pm, Saturday - Sunday; 10am-1pm). Support for survivors of sexual violence, either recently or in the past.
  • Refuge: Helpline: 0808 2000 (24/7) or use online chat. Information and support to women, children, individuals and those who have a concern about someone else.
  • Samaritans: 116 123 (24/7). Crisis support.
  • Support for Survivors: 0115 622722 (Monn-Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm). Email Support for adult child abuse survivors.
  • Victim Support: Helpline: 0808 1689 111 (24/7) or online chat. Emotional, practical and confidential support for people affected by crime and traumatic events.