Seniors Council
Are you aged 60 or over?
Would you like to have your say on issues affecting us as we grow older in Gedling borough? If you would, come and join Gedling Seniors Council.
What is Gedling Seniors Council?
We are older residents, voluntary groups and charities serving older people, all working together for older people in the borough.
We are supported by Gedling Borough Council but we are independent from kit.
What does the Seniors Council do?
- It helps to improve services and support for older people.
- It influences policies affecting older people.
- It represents all the older people living in our community.
What has the Seniors Council done already?
- contributed to the Giving for Gedling Winter Assistance and Support booklet distributed throughout the borough;
- taken part in research focus groups on loneliness and isolation among older residents of the borough and on shared decision-making by NHS patients and doctors;
- contributed to the Gedling Heritage publications encouraging people of all ages to be active and visit places of interest in the borough;
- helped to design the SPRIING project to help people get out and about and socialise;
- joined Gedling Youth Council in an intergenerational discussion on topics of shared concern in the community;
- taken part in intergenerational events hosted jointly by Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham City Council;
- co-hosted with the Syrian refugees living in the borough and with Gedling Borough Council celebratory meals for the community in Gedling.
Where does the Seniors Council meet?
At the Gedling Borough Council Civic Centre offices in Arnold, unless otherwise advised.
When are the meetings?
We meet five times a year, on Fridays from 10.30 to 12.30pm.
Who do I contact if I want to know more about Gedling Seniors Council?
For more information, contact: Jane Ansell. Community Partnerships Manager
Tel 0115 9013698