No joining fee on swimming lessons in September! Find out more and sign up.


We offer concessionary memberships and Gedling Leisure cards for people aged over 65, people living in receipt of certain benefits or with a disability and students. Reduced Gedling Leisure rates are available for refugees in receipt of certain benefits. 

People aged 65 and over (please bring along proof of age including birth certificate, driver's licence or passport)

People in receipt of benefits (please bring along proof of your benefit entitlement)
Income support
Income based job seekers allowance
Housing benefit
Council tax benefit (not lone/single occupant rebate or exemption)
Working tax credit

People living with a disability (please bring along proof of your benefit entitlement)
Disability living allowance
Severe disablement allowance
Industrial injuries benefit
Incapacity benefit

Students (please bring along proof including NUS card or written verifications from college/university with official logo stamp)

Join online now

Junior Xtreme DNA memberships are available for young people aged 8-17 and Gedling Leisure cards are available for people of all ages and abilities.

We also offer Armed Forces memberships for Gedling residents who have previously served, or are currently serving, in the Armed Forces (Navy, Army or Royal Air Force) to use the gyms at Calverton, Redhill and Carlton Forum leisure centres

View our price list for memberships, Gedling Leisure cards, activities and party hires.