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Gedling Elite Athlete Membership

We offer a free 12 month membership for people who compete at a national level or an equivalent. The FANS scheme was created to help elite athletes achieve their full potential by reducing the financial burden of training costs. To be eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • A current national sportsperson (national is deemed as someone who represents their country/a member of the national team OR listed in the top ten of the national age group in their chosen sport).
  • A resident in Gedling Borough for the majority of the year
  • Competing in a Sport England recognised sport 


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By signing the application form, you agree to the following: 

  1. To reference Gedling Borough Council and the Community Relations Department during any written or verbal press engagements where the topic or funding and support is covered.
  2. To be available for a maximum of 2 public appearances if required. These would include: awards evenings and school based visits etc. around your training and competition diary.
  3. To give us permission for your image to be used on both printed and web based publications in relation to elite sport and the promotion of Gedling Borough Council, Community Relations.
  4. In the event of you winning a major championship or medaling at a large event, we would like you to acknowledge the support from Gedling Borough Council, Community Relations.
  5. To provide information for interviews when requested for the promotion of the scheme and yourselves, to a maximum of 2 requests per year. This information will be requested by a member of the Community Relations team only.